Face to face volunteering

The volunteers come with the interest of sharing their knowledge and experiences within the Kasa de Colores projects, detecting their capacities and tools to contribute to the communities, as an opportunity to put into practice a responsible professional experience that will be useful in the future.

Engage & Enrich

The volunteer is the contribution of him/herself, through a solidarity action. It is to commit without retribution or obligation, outside the professional or family circle, with a community that opens its doors to work together. But it is also enriching yourself with news and discoveries: a new country, new encounters, new culture, new language, etc. Anyone can be a volunteer, you just need to have motivation, commitment, openness and adaptation.

Responding to local needs

Volunteering in Kasa de Colores is not humanitarian tourism. Kasa de Colores proposes the volunteer to integrate with their ideas and projects for the direct benefit of the communities, responding to real local needs. All of our projects were built in conjunction with the communities to improve the impact of our action.

Host House housing program

This program aims for the volunteer to live a closer experience with the community, living the activities of a daily family in Ecuador. Choose the project that catches your attention the most and send your request to participate in the Kasa de Colores “Casa Hostess” program.

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