We want you to join us and become the opportunity that the most vulnerable people need, and thus achieve Eradicate poverty.
At KDC, we have 112 volunteers who are willing to donate part of their time for activities; getting involved in the fight against poverty and nature conscious development
international donation
With your monetary contribution we can continue creating and maintaining our projects. No matter where you are, you can be part of this change.
We need passionate and committed people, to raise awareness in society and to be able to obtain the necessary resources to contribute to the conscious development of vulnerable populations. Be our speaker and get our message across. The more we are, the bigger and stronger the opportunity will be. Become our ambassador, ask us for all the information you need, raise funds for our projects. Tell us how you did it, we would love to post it on our blog. We give you some ideas: Any party can be good to turn into a solidarity opportunity. Create your first solidarity birthday, solidarity dinner ... and tell your guests how they too are becoming an opportunity. If you are good with social networks, do not hesitate to crowdfund our projects. There are many platforms like Teaming, Launch us, Make it possible Do you participate in sporting events? If you are an athlete you can also give us visibility, when you participate in a race, a soccer tournament ... do it in a solidary way and become an opportunity. Inheritances and legacies. Many people show us their generosity by leaving part of their inheritance to KDC. It is further proof of their solidarity and their commitment to building a better society.
Many times we wonder if there is only one way to help, and the answer is: no, there are thousands of ways.
Contact us and we will tell you how to do it: